Table of common synthetic rubbers

Table of common synthetic rubbers

ISO 1629 CodeTechnical NameCommon Names
ACMPolyacrylate Rubber
AEMEthylene-acrylate Rubber
AUPolyester Urethane
BIIRBromo Isobutylene IsopreneBromobutyl
BRPolybutadieneBuna CB
CIIRChloro Isobutylene IsopreneChlorobutyl, Butyl
CRPolychloropreneChloroprene, Neoprene
CSMChlorosulphonated PolyethyleneHypalon
ECOEpichlorohydrinECO, Epichlorohydrin, Epichlore, Epichloridrine, Herclor, Hydrin
EPEthylene Propylene
EPDMEthylene Propylene Diene MonomerEPDM, Nordel
EUPolyether Urethane
FFKMPerfluorocarbon Rubber
FKMFluoronated HydrocarbonViton, Kalrez, Fluorel, Chemraz
FMQFluoro SiliconeFMQ, Silicone Rubber
FPMFluorocarbon Rubber
HNBRHydrogenated Nitrile ButadieneHNBR
IRPolyisoprene(Synthetic) Natural Rubber
IIRIsobutylene Isoprene ButylButyl
NBRAcrylonitrile ButadieneNBR, Nitrile rubber, Perbunan, Buna-N
PUPolyurethanePU, Polyurethane
SBRStyrene ButadieneSBR, Buna-S, GRS, Buna VSL, Buna SE
SEBSStyrene Ethylene Butylene Styrene CopolymerSEBS Rubber
SIPolysiloxaneSilicone Rubber
VMQVinyl Methyl SiliconeSilicone Rubber
XNBRAcrylonitrile Butadiene Carboxy MonomerXNBR, Carboxylated Nitrile
XSBRStyrene Butadiene Carboxy Monomer
YBPOThermoplastic Polyether-ester
YSBRStyrene Butadiene Block Copolymer
YXSBRStyrene Butadiene Carboxy Block Copolymer
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